Monday, September 24, 2007

Oh! you delightful thing
said the farmer
Oh! what misery
said the beggar
Oh! how beautiful
said the poet
Oh! how profound
said the philospoher
So many people
Such varied thoughts
What could it be?
Sex? Lies? Tranquility?
No, I think not
The answer is in reality
Far far simpler
The object we seek
Symbolises dominance and power,
Power which no human being can ever,
understand or overthrow.
For this power to which I refer
is the Power of Him.
It can enrich, enliven,embolden
It can destroy,depress and defame.
For the younger ones amongst us,
It has one form,
The Tears of God.
Rain, rain,rain...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pretty eyed, Mongoloid smile,
She sat atop.. the emerald shrine,
Pout of an actress, a figure sublime
Her beauty making even the most placid stoic pine
And I knew that very day,
She would never be mine.
. .
She was after all, The Princess of Montmarte,
And I was but the poor peasant,
Which no earthly possession,
Except a humble heart.
. .
One day did I
Step out of my humble home,
Mind full of desire...heart full of hope
I made my way down to the palace grounds,
Wary of marksmen and the barking hounds,
I jumped a wall and crossed a stream,
So eager was fulfill my dream.
. .
I strode purposefully up to the front door,
My heart thumping like Cupid's whore,
I rang the bell, it shrieked out shrill
As the door opened, Father Time stood still,
I gazed at the ever expanding crack,
Hoping to catch a glimpse of my darling Montmarte,
The abyss widened...i gave a START..
For she who was staring at me
Was my sainted aunt!!!!!
. .
Fell outta bed .. my mind in a whirl
"It cant have been a dream", I protested...
"She is my girl.."
. .
btw..this really happened..

Monday, June 4, 2007

I woke up one morning this summer.....bleary eyed as usual...scratched da ole testicles(!...nt summin i do regularly).....gathered my thoughts...glanced at my watch....looked out onto the sun bathed daffodils on the street...and cried like there was no tomorrow.... For when I glanced into my watch and had a look at the "date" column( date as in the day of the month...not the other meanin ya opportunistic morons...wish i had one which did both,what I saw shook me to the very foundation...the date read 17th of May very last 6 months of school had begun..I also realized that this was my last official summer holiday..My mind immediately rewound to the summer of '06 and then '05 and then '04 and so and so forth stretching the extreme limits of my memory till it could recall no more..the net result...a lingering feeling of sadness and helplessness that I could do absolutely nothing about my predicament..Time you much much more wonderful and powerful than any other trait of human life...It can heal..It can injure...It can enrich...It can infect...but it always moves on....People in distress normally refer to time as the Great Healer but I would prefer to describe it as a relentless,unswerving continuity...a continuity with which every sphere of our life is laced...a continuity from which there is no matter how famous you are ..or how much wealth you possess.
As I continued with my reverie I recalled all the good times I shared with my we became closer than brothers over the years...which made my mind fast forward to the heartbreakingly painful separation in 6 months time...Things will just never be the same...the companionship..the camradarie..the endless hours of phone conversations..overcoming the trials and tribulations of the teenage years...all the girls..all the legs...and much more...
Anyways thats all for now...more to come on the 17th of December this space..

Monday, May 21, 2007


have u noticed fellow mortals as to how popular the F-word is amongst our population??...i mean its just a damn slang for crying out loud...fuck.....all it means is does it...everyone knows about it..hell..we were born because of it..yet they're so intent on proclaiming it out loud to the world....I am not exactly the best person to be speaking about this issue because I had been introduced to this word as early as class four and have been steadfastly using it ever since in most of my thing that you have to admit is that this word does have impact....I mean...recently there was this one song by Akon..which had no merits apart from repeatedly mouthing the ubiquitous F-word...the song became an instant hit. Sad i know..but so so true. Or take Eminem for that matter..his so called "rap" is nothing but a comprehensive lexicon of all possible permutations and combinations of the F-word(usually mother ,father,brother sister, at times cat and dog sometimes even as bizarre as table and chair(sigh..that pervert doesnt even let em poor furniture alone)) ...and I believe he is currently the best selling rap artist alive on the planet...sighhh...are we human beings so rudimentary..that we cannot distinguish between true class and something so blody crass??? Nowadays in high schools across the globe every teenager worth his or her salt makes it a point to repeatedly flash the "F-word" in their conversations..."coolness" issues??...i wonder...In order to fool teachers Indian students have discovered a new alternative....use it in different languages....there is atleast one variation which I know of...."futre Vu'..meaning "fuck you" in French....all this and numerous other variations simply for the sake of facilitating the use of the hallowed F-word....I wonder what the world is coming to nowadays...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Allrite....wrote this poem after gettin inspired by summin sanjit told me....reeli feel strongly abt it

Am i really a wordsmith?
Or am i just a pretender?
Do my words really have the power to render
Speechless the teeming multitudes on India?
They say that the pen is mightier than the sword
But can I really bring out the truest essence
Of the Hallowed word...
Did I too hastily consider
Myself to be a splendid communicator?
Or is it just a trait of the teenage mind
To consider oneself to be superior when one is in reality
far far behind?
I often wonder O God,
As to why I've been sent down here
Please tell me O'Almighty, so that I may be in peace
Because I don't want to be just another sheep
Whose only use is to get shredded for its fleece....

Monday, May 14, 2007


O ****
I love you so
When I see you with another guy
I feel something inside me die
When you give me the royal ignore
I cry to myself why I've been left so sore
When I see the other couples snogging away
I wonder when such luck's gonna come my way
The thought that I've got through 15 years of school
Without a single soul to completely fool
To endear with false promises of committment and love
Waiting for the perfect instant to give the ultimate shove
"Nay!!",said I, "Thats not the case"
Every single day of my life is laced
With thoughts of your everlasting beauty and grace
While I plunge deeper into the farce that is self pity
Practicality comes a-calling imploring me
To get back to the cold, harsh reality
"No!!', said I...I love her too much
"Thence",says the conscience, "you must enlighten her"
Otherwise you will be left in the lurch
You wont even heave the heart to go to church

Allrite thats it....